Startup Investing: Building a World-class Network to Support Founders with Anne Dwane of Village Global

Startup Investing: Building a World-class Network to Support Founders with Anne Dwane of Village Global

Justin Gordon talks with Anne Dwane, Co-founder and Partner at Village Global - an early-stage venture fund backed by some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs. From how they invest in startups to how they help founders. They operate as a network.

Justin Gordon (@justingordon212) talks with Anne Dwane (@adwane) Co-founder and Partner at Village Global - an early-stage venture fund backed by some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs. From how they invest in startups to how they help founders. They operate as a network.

Anne Dwane is passionate about aligning teams and applying technology to unleash human potential.

The venture firm is backed by an impressive and diverse group of investors that includes:  Jeff Bezos, Sara Blakely, Reid Hoffman, Magic Johnson, Anne Wojcicki, Mark Zuckerberg, Diane Green, Judy Estrin, Bill Gates, and Ken Chennault.

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Show Notes

  • Switching from executive to venture capitalist
  • Starting Village Global
  • Building a systemic network to advantage founders
  • How Anne started investing
  • Anne Dwane's investment strategy
  • Village Global's process of evaluating startups
  • The best advice Anne got in looking for the best companies
  • How Anne helps founders, emerging managers, and angels find simplicity beyond complexity in venture capital
  • How Anne and her team decide what projects to focus on
  • What Anne is excited about now

More About the Show

The VITALIZE Podcast, a show by VITALIZE Venture Capital (a seed-stage venture capital firm and pre-seed 400+ member angel community open to everyone), dives deep into the world of startup investing and the future of work.

Hosted by Justin Gordon, the Director of Marketing at VITALIZE Venture Capital, The VITALIZE Podcast features interviews with a variety of VCs, angel investors, and founders, with a particular focus on the future of work.

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Written by

Gale Wilkinson